Monday, March 5, 2012

How Can We Dream When We Fear Nightmares?

How can we dream when we fear nightmares? How are we supposed to dream when we are afraid to sleep? In other words, how are we collectively to dream big when we fear the unknown to the point where it paralyzes us?

Avoiding the nightmare instead of facing the nightmare, most assuredly insures that the nightmare will become reality.

Michael Jordan always wanted the ball in the waning seconds when it mattered. The nightmare was him missing the shot and his team losing, but I would assume that he also figured that him not having the ball would result in an ensuing loss as well. Thus, he faced his nightmare to prevent a nightmare. Sometimes, it came true and sometimes it didn't, but he realized that at the end it was just a fear, and that regardless of the result, he had another day to dream again.

At the end of day, we must realize that nightmares are a figment of our imagination, and when we allow ourselves to sleep we give ourselves the ability to dream. When we dream, we encounter nightmares along the way, but one way to overcome them is by facing them.

Let us not let our nightmares inhibit our ability to dream...

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Go for it! A good friend once told me that you only fail when you give up. I'm going for it, you only live once...besides if you make the wrong decision you can always go back and correct it or try another approach...that's what my friend said and that is what I intend to do ;0)

    peace & blessings & continue to enjoy the beach
